Apple Orchard
Apple Pricing - Fall 2024
• $8 for a 1/4 Peck Bag
$16 for a 1/4 Peck Bag
• $25 for a Peck Bag
• $40 for a 1/2 Bushel
Note: A $8 minimum apple purchase per person is required to enter the apple orchard (ages two years and under are free). This means that every person entering the apple orchard must at least purchase a 1/4 Peck Bag (you may purchase a larger size and apply the $8 minimum toward the larger bag). Although, there IS NOT an admission fee to pick apples, just to be clear each person must make a minimum $8 purchase to enter the orchard.
Apple varieties and approximate picking times are pictured below.
Bags are included in the apple picking price and picking is only allowed using the bags Stade’s provides.
Pick-Your-Own Hours
When applicable, our orchard is open from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. We recommend you check our website and/or Facebook for the most recent picking, crop, and weather conditions that may affect your u-pick experience. Stade’s reserves the right to close the Apple Orchard due to inclement weather (heavy rain, thunder, lightning, and/or severe winds) without advance notice in order to protect their customers and employees.
Stade’s Apple Orchard
After years of studying, planning, planting, and pruning Stade’s Farm & Market opened a beautiful pick-your-own apple orchard in Fall 2017. Apples have always had a healthy reputation. The old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” has proven to be more than just a cute rhyme. The documented health benefit of apples has proven quite accurate indeed. The many health benefits of apples include lowering bad cholesterol and reducing the risk of cancer.
Vern began planting semi-dwarf apple trees in the spring of 2013. He continued to plant more and more dwarf apple trees each year to follow. By 2024, Stade's apple orchard has over 10,000 apple trees with a wide range of varieites, colors, and tastes. Some of the varieties available are Honeycrisp, Evercrisp, Rosalee, Gala, Jonagold, Zestar, Golden Delicious, Sweet MAIA, and more.
The semi-dwarf is a medium-sized, free-standing tree that can range in height from 12 to 16 feet tall. The dwarf is a short tree needing trellising for support and ranges from 8 to 12 feet in height. The apple is a hardy perennial tree that grows in all temperate zones. Apples grow best in climates with moderately cold winters and warm summers with medium to high humidity. We are in a great zone for successful growing.
Stade’s Farm works diligently to provide wholesome fruits and vegetables to our many customers and we hope you will enjoy yet another juicy delight; Apples!
Apple Facts
Americans eat more apples per capita than any other fruit and they taste great, too!
• Apple trees, depending on the variety, take two to five years to produce their first fruit.
• It takes an average of about 36 apples to create one gallon of apple cider.
• A peck of apples weighs 10.5 pounds. A bushel of apples weighs about 42 pounds and will yield 20-24 quarts of applesauce.
• There are more than 2,500 varieties of apples grown in the United States and they come in all shades of red, green, and yellow.
• The science of apple growing is called pomology.
• Bobbing for apples? 25 percent of an apple’s volume is air; that’s why they float.
• Pilgrims planted the first U.S. apple trees in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
• Most apple blossoms are pink when they open but gradually transition to white.
• It takes the energy from 50 leaves to produce one apple.
• One of George Washington’s hobbies was pruning his apple trees.
• Most apples are still picked by hand.

Blondee Apples
Blondee Apples
Available late August/early September

Empire Apples
Empire Apples
Available mid/late September.

Evercrisp Apples
Evercrisp Apples
Available late October

Flaming Early Red Apples
Flaming Early Red Apples
Available mid/late September

Gala Apples
Gala Apples
available late August/early September

Golden Delicious
Golden Delicious
Available early/mid October

Goldrush Apples
Goldrush Apples
Available late October

Granny Smith
Granny Smith
Available late October

Honeycrisp Apples
Honeycrisp Apples
Available mid/late September

Jonagold Apples
Jonagold Apples
Available early/mid October

Macintosh Apple
Macintosh Apple
(Available in October)

Pink Lady Apple
Pink Lady Apple
(Available in October)

Pink Luster Apple
Pink Luster Apple
(Available in September)

Red Cameo Apples
Red Cameo Apples
Available late September

Red Jonaprice Apples
Red Jonaprice Apples
Available mid/late September

Rosalee Apples
Rosalee Apples
Available early/mid October

September Wonder Fuji
September Wonder Fuji
Available mid/late September

Sweet MAIA
Sweet MAIA
Available End of August

WineCrisp Apples
WineCrisp Apples
Available early/mid October

Zestar Apples
Zestar Apples
Available late August/early September
“It is possible, I think, to say that… a Christian agriculture [is] formed upon the understanding that it is sinful for people to misuse or destroy what they did not make. The Creation is a unique, irreplaceable gift, therefore to be used with humility, respect, and skill.”
― Wendell Berry, The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture